Home » Site News » Energy of Salvation allows aion gold players to...
Energy of Salvation allows aion gold players to accrue points at set time intervals. These points are then automatically used during crafting, PvE quests, gathering, and PvP, and boost XP by 30% when active. Points are accumulated in a manner that is not altogether clear, as NCsoft has said only that "characters who have progressed slowly from level 15 despite long connection times and continuous in-game activity will now obtain bonus EXP through the Energy of Salvation." Changes to the user interface are slight, and somewhat underwhelming. NCsoft has finally added a proper Looking for Group tool, and while it's nothing revolutionary, it
will make you wonder how you managed to find groups in Aion
without it. There are also two additional hotbars, a godsend for a
game that has a silly amount of skills, spells, and associated icons.